
Improving the lives of people with

Primary Immune Deficiency



UKPIPS publishes a series of factsheets that provide information on Primary Immune Deficiencies and Primary Antibody Deficiencies and how they can affect the health and welfare of patients. All our factsheets have been through our publishing processes to ensure that the information they provide is accurate, current and of a high quality and  follow UKPIPS quality assurance information processes in line with our PIF TICK accreditation.

Please click on the links to find the factsheet:

Factsheet 001  –  What is a Primary Immune Deficiency?

Factsheet 002  –  What is a Primary Antibody Deficiency?

Factsheet 004  –  What is CVID?

Factsheet 007  –  What are Immunoglobulins and what do they do?

             Factsheet 021  –  Introducing UKPIPS

Factsheet 036  –  Diagnosis Quotes

Factsheet 038  –  Why do I still get Infections?

Factsheet 042  –  The Spoons Theory


UKPIPS is grateful for the support of Takeda